Achievements and Milestones
Dr. Andrew Cohill, BEV Director, and Dr. Andrea Kavanaugh, Director of Research, prepared and submitted grant proposals to several agencies, including the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Kellogg Foundation, the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Dr. Kavanaugh wrote and submitted required grant reports (Financial Report, Performance Report and Reimbursement Request)
Dr. Kavanaugh supervised data collection and analysis activities and personnel (carried out by Research Assistants Sally Laughon and Mike Mosteller):
- transaction data log analysis prototype (using WUsage);
- assessment of TopClass software for online courses and training for community networks nationwide;
- implementation of 4th round survey of Blacksburg residents
- preparation of 2nd online survey of Montgomery County and environs;
- Conducted focus groups with parents and teachers using the Internet.
Ms. Martin, Assistant Director of BEV and Information Manager, continued to assist Craig County with its web site needs.
Ms. Martin and Lori Atwater, BEV staff, presented basic hands-on HTML seminar to representatives of community networks in Southwest Virginia.
Ms. Rogers-Ryan, BEV staff, continued to expand BEV Health site, including assistance to the health consumer in finding health related information on the Internet.
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) established filebox services and listserv management services with BEV.
MCPS enlisted the services of four faculty (in social sciences and mathematics) to develop websites and listservs for teachers.
Montogomery Floyd Regional Library (MFRL): Scott Driver, Internet Trainer, conducted weekly training sessions in October.
Evaluation Data Collected - this quarter
Survey of Blacksburg residents (users and non-users of the Internet)
Interview data of teachers and parents in Montgomery County
Transaction data log analysis (prototype)
Programmatic Changes
BEV, Inc. requested and was granted a no-cost extension of the grant period through March 15, 1998.
"Das Blacksburg-Experiment" November 1997 Der Spiegel.
Budgetary Highlights
Received $39,076.94 (Request for Reimbursement)
Paid $39,107.23 in bills payable