Applying Internet technology to support collaborative educational activities: four case studies of collaborative design - Stuart Laughton; December 4, 1994.
Choices and Challenges: Quality of Life in the Electronic Village Seminar Series.
Community network technology - an overview - Luke Ward, BEV Technology Manager, January 30, 1997.
Consumer demand drivers for wireless technologies: implications for community access and uncompetitive excesses - George Morgan, Department of Finance, Insurance and Business Law, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech; January 2, 1995.
Development and implementation of the Blacksburg Electronic Village - Jock Schorger, College of Education, Virginia Tech; April 26, 1995.
Impact of technology on consumer use of traditional media: a case study - Rebekah Bromley, Department of Communication Studies, Virginia Tech; November 17, 1994.
"Internet Use and Infrastructure in Europe" by Federico Casalegno, Sociology Department, Sorbonne, Paris, April 29, 1998.
K-12 curriculum: integration of network resources - Dean Orrell, Industrial and Systems Engineering Department; Sally Laughon, Instructional Technology, Curriculum and Instruction Department; April 30, 1996.
Managing the evolution of a virtual school in the Blacksburg Electronic Village: Roger W. Ehrich, Deborah Hix, Andrea L. Kavanaugh, - presented at Human Computer Interaction Conference, February 15, 1995.
Property and community in the electronic village - Patrick Croskery, Department of Philosophy, Virginia Tech; February 13, 1996.
Public access to the Internet: an evaluation of use and impact via the public library - Kimberly Vendrick, Montgomery Floyd Regional Library, November19, 1996.
Scenario-based design techniques for developing world wide web interfaces - Dennis Neale, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech; September 26, 1995.
Schools as community centers and the role of the Blacksburg Electronic Village - Stephen Parson, College of Education, Virginia Tech; October 31, 1995.
Teaching and learning in a virtual school: use and impact of Internet in k-12 education - Melissa Matusevich, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Virginia Tech, College of Human Resources and Education; September 24, 1996.
Town government in cyberspace - Bonnie Svrcek, Assistant Town Manager, Town of Blacksburg, May 29, 1997.
Virtual reality environments in education - Faith McCreary, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, October 21, 1997.