Demographics of Blacksburg, VA
Demographic Data for Blacksburg, Virginia, including 2000 census data on households in Blacksburg compared with random sample survey findings of demographic data in 2000.
Research Use and Impact of Community Networking
Trends in Internet communication by community groups and organizations in Blacksburg 1996 - 1999. Data derived from 1996 and 1999 random sample telephone surveys of Blacksburg and local calling area.
Trends in the digital divide Internet users and non-users by demographic variables in Blacksburg 1996 - 1999. Data derived from 1996 and 1999 random sample telephone surveys of Blacksburg and local calling area.
Research highlights Comprehensive trends of the use and social impact of the Internet in Blacksburg: 1994-1999. A summary of various trends based on user profile questionnares and random sample mail surveys over five years.
Social Networks strengthened by Internet communication: evidence of the social impact of community networking in Blacksburg; based on interview data (community leaders, local social groups and organizations). Paper presented at the annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, September 1999.
Social Relations and civic engagement are early uses of community networking in Blacksburg; based on questionnaire data completed by early Internet subscribers 1994-1997. Paper presented at the International Conference for Information Systems, December 1997.
Profiles of Early Adopters: 1993 - 1996
February 1996: Summary of User Profiles and Expectations (March 1996)
November 1995: Summary of User Profiles and Expectations (November 1995)
January 1995: Summary of BEV Users and Services 1995
June 1994: Summary of BEV Background Questionnaire
"Preliminary Impacts of the Internet on Traditional Media Use." Online survey conducted in Spring 1994
Preliminary evaluation, summer 1993 - self-report surveys and focus groups
General population studies
About Town surveys (1994-1999) - five year trends in Internet use in the town of Blacksburg. Survey distributed to random sample (by census block) in "About Town" Newsletter conducted by BEV distributed by the Town of Blacksburg.
Longitudinal Business Study
Trends in Internet Use and Impact among Local Business (1995 - 1999)
K-12 Education
Invited talk regarding Internet access via satellite for education purposes; presented at the NGO conference in conjunction with the third round of UN Treaty negotiations on outer space (United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space UNISPACE), August 1999.
Evaluation summary of the effect of the Internet in combination with constructivist teaching strategies: surveys and interviews in three Virginia school districts, supported by the National Science Foundation, 1997-98.
Evaluation of Internet Training Classes conducted in 1996. Results of exit questionnaire for evaluation of training that BEV provided to teachers and community members at the Auburn Community Resource and Training Center - the survey instrument is available.
Local Governance and Community Involvement
School Board Online Use and gratifications obtained 1996 and 1999. This report shows trends in user perspectives of networked communication with the Chairman of the Montgomery County School Board.
The Use of the Internet for Civic Engagement A View from Blacksburg, Virginia. 1996 Luncheon address by Andrea Kavanaugh to the Virginia Municipal League, Roanoke, Virginia.