Achievements and Milestones
Dr. Andrew Cohill, BEV Director, and Dr. Andrea Kavanaugh, Director of Research, collaborated with the Association for Community Networking on the preparation and submission of a proposal to TIIAP on March 12 for the comprehensive evaluation of the use and impact of existing community networks, and the establishment of tools and procedures for ongoing evaluation of future community networks.
A. Kavanaugh wrote and submitted required grant reports (Financial Report, Performance Report and Reimbursement Request)
A. Kavanaugh and A. Cohill supervised data collection and analysis activities and personnel (carried out by Research Assistants Sally Laughon and Mike Mosteller):
- transaction data log analysis 1994-98 (using WUsage);
- establishment of TopClass online course prototype for training representatives of nascent community networks nationwide;
- adaptation and implementation of online survey of Montgomery County area;
- Design of data analysis for online survey results.
Ms. Martin and Ms. Lori Atwater, BEV staff, presented basic hands-on HTML seminar to representatives of community networks in Southwest Virginia.
Evaluation Data Collected - this quarter
Online survey of Montgomery County and environs (residents)
Transaction data log analysis (final)
Casalegno, F. and A. Kavanaugh (1998) "Autour des Communautes et des Reseaux de Telecommunications" Societes No. 59 (February)
"Blacksburg Electronic Village." 1998. Family Circle*PC World (Spring): 68-69.
Budgetary Highlights
Received $16,690.55 (Request for Reimbursement)
Paid $16,605.34 in bills payable
Bills pending $14,762.65
Requested final Reimbursement of $14,762.65