Achievements and Milestones
Dr. Andrew Cohill, Director of BEV, presented BEV work at World Future Society Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA (July 18 ) and Sustainable Communities retreat organized by TIIAP granteeTahoe Center for a Sustainable Future (July 21)
Dr. Cohill taught an all day free workshop on community network design in Wytheville, VA, attended by 14 southwest Virginia community networks.
Dr. Cohill met with Steve Snow of Charlotte's Web in Stateville, NC to discuss regional community network conference to be held early next year (September 15).
Dr. Andrea Kavanaugh managed grant administration paperwork (Financial Reports, Performance Report and Reimbursement Request), submitted 8 pre-proposals and two full proposals to private foundations, and supervised the following data collection and analysis activities and personnel (carried out by Research Assistants Armando Borja, Sally Laughon, Amy Ramsey and Mike Mosteller):
- second round survey of local businesses (users and non-users of the Internet)
- structured interviews of 42 parents and students in technology rich classroom at Auburn/Riner Elementary School ('PC's for Families')
- 13 interviews of Radford Information Network Steering Committee
- analysis of telephone survey data on community involvement
- transaction data log analysis design and implementation
- benchmark data on personal computer ownership among 740 students in Blacksburg High School (1994)
- transcription of audiotapes for structured interviews
- preparation of 4th round survey of Blacksburg residents
Ms. Cortney Vargo Martin, Assistant Director of BEV, met with Representatives of local government and library from Buchannan County. Discussed training strategy and web site management options (July 22 ).
Ms. Martin attended New River Valley Telemedicine Conference (July 23), and set up listserve to support discussions of local online health resources.
Ms. Martin met with Technology Task force in Craig County to discuss their web site needs to create their site template (July 31)
Ms. Martin presented basic hands-on HTML seminar to representatives of community networks in Southwest Virginia in Wytheville (August 9).
Ms. Rogers-Ryan, BEV staff, launched and expanded BEV Health site on 9/25/97. This site includes directories of local health professionals and health care facilities, medical news, health tips, featured health links and local events related to health. The focus of this site is on assistance to the health consumer in finding health related information on the Internet.
Expansion of the Cardiac HealthWeb continued throughout July, August, and September with over 300 questions submitted to Ask the Cardiologist during that time.
On July 23, Ms. Cortney Vargo Martin, Assistant Director of BEV, attended the Southwestern Regional Telehealth Conference. A free listserv has been set up by the BEV to facililtate communication and cooperation efforts for telemedicine in SW Virginia
Ms. Rogers-Ryan provided an informational Web page in partnership with the Mental Health Association of the New River Valley. (August).
Montgomery county Public Schools (MCPS) taught "HyperStudio for Teachers" to 15 teachers in the CMS Pentium lab on 6/16-17-18-19/97. Part of this course allowed teachers to search on the Web for downloads they could use with HyperStudio.
MCPS taught a "WebMaster's Cours" to 15 teachers in the CHS Pentium lab on 6/23-24-25-26/97. Obviously, this course taught participants how to write and post Web pages.
MCPS taught "World Wide Applications for K-5 Teachers" at Falling Branch Elementary School on 7/14/97. Approximately 5 teachers participated.
MCPS Supervisor of Technology, Dr. Larry Arrington, spoke on "Accessing the Information Superhighway" at the NRCC Conference ("Innovations in Educational Technology for Rural Schools") on 7/14/97.
MCPS co-sponsored a Digital Video Camp at the Newman Media Center. Approximately 20 students from Montgomery County Public Schools completed the course. Several of our teachers and coordinators served as hands-on assistants. Part of the course used the World Wide Web. The camp lasted 12 days, from 7/28/97 to 8/12/97, and culminated in a public showing of digital projects on Sunday, 8/17/97, at the Lyric Theater.
MCPS co-sponsored the "Eisenhower World Wide Web Workshop for Science Teachers." Twelve secondary science teachers from the county participated in all-day sessions over a 10-day period at both Christiansburg High School and Blacksburg High School, between 8/4/97 and 8/15/97. The course taught participants how to integrate Web resources into science lessons.
MCPS co-sponsored an ITV Summer Workshop in Roanoke on 8/7/97. Many of the sessions involved the use of the World Wide Web. One MCPS elementary teacher presented a session, and others (unknown number) from the county attended.
Professor Roger Ehrich supevised 42 interviews with Riner/Auburn Elementary 5th grade students and parents regarding computer networking and the effects of ubiquitous access on their daily activities. (Interviews conducted by Research Assistants A. Ramsey and S. Laughon).
Tested Nudist and Atlas for utility in conducting ethnographic studies and selected the latter. (Assisted by Research Assistants F. McCreary and S. Laughon)
Professor Ehrich redesigned surveys for the Riner 5th grade parents and students to gather baseline data for the next round of student-parent studies at Riner Elementary school. F. McCreary and A. Ramsey
Professor Ehrich supervised the completion of portfolios for each of the Riner Elementary School children who were interview subjects. These portfolios consist of writing samples, interviews, cognitive tests, and surveys.
Montogomery Floyd Regional Library (MFRL) hired (and oriented) Laura Hastings as Internet Trainer II and Scott Driver as Internet Trainer I.
Laura completed a written summary report for the library portion of the NTIA grant (posted online at
Scott began his public web training in August and HTML training in September, with participation as follows:
Stats for August Classes:
Number of classes -- 16
Total openings made available in all classes -- 89 Number of patrons who signed-up for classes -- 78 Actual attendance -- 65
Stats for September Classes.
Number of classes -- 22
Total openings made available in all classes -- 118 Number of patrons who signed-up for classes -- 102 Actual attendance -- 91
Steve Helm and Anne Greene (Floyd Library Branch head) attended the "Floyd Electronic Village" meetings in Sept. Steve created a custom logo for the renamed "Floyd Information Network" (FIN) and (re)designed a preliminary homepage for the group.
John Glackin, Information Management Analyst, Montgomery County government, conducted five HTML Classes, of 2 hours each sessions on Sept 11, 16, 18, 23, 25.(10 hours total) 11 county staff members attended.
Evaluation Data Collected - this quarter
Survey of local Businesses (users and non-users of the Internet)
Interview data of Radford Information Network Steering Committe
Interview data of 42 parents and students of technology intensive classroom with computer to take home (PC's for Families Project)
Programmatic Changes
BEV, Inc. requested and was granted a no-cost extension of the grant period through January 15, 1998.
"Wired Village: In rural Virginia, a community connects its citizens and schools," by Lars Kongshem. Electronic School. September 1997. A22-A25 (cover story)
Budgetary Highlights
Received $29,203.90 Request for Reimbursement
Paid $25,650.65 in bills payable
Total bills payable as of 9/30/97: $39,109.03