BEV is not adding services for new customers at the current time. We are continuing to support existing customers.
The Domain Name Service (DNS) is something like an Internet phonebook--it enables computers on the Internet find your computer with your custom domain name. There are two parts to this:
The Blacksburg Electronic Village can provide the first service, Domain Name Server support, for personal and business domains for Ethernet users in the Blacksburg, Virginia area. BEV charges an annual fee for this service (generally $31.15 per domain).
BEV does not provide the second service. You will need to contact a Domain Name Registrar to register your domain. Fees for this service vary, but are generally $70 or less for a registration that lasts two years. Some Domain Name Registrars also provide Domain Name Server support.
Yahoo DNS Directory has a variety of links to information about what DNS is, how it works, and provider options.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) maintains a List of Accreditation-Qualified Registrars.
There are now some websites that compare registrar prices and services, such as Note that some registrars supply Domain Name Server support as well as registration, and some may actually require you to use a certain Domain Name Server provider.
The Policies section of this page has more information on BEV-provided Domain Name Server support, and is followed by a description of the Procedures we use to install and remove domains from the BEV DNS server.
BEV Domain Name Server Support Fees:
The following rates are effective as of February 12, 2001 for all additions and renewals of domains supported by the BEV DNS servers:
BEV customers will not incur additional charges for domain name server support required for BEV-supplied full-service websites and bulk email.
In order to minimize user costs, these rates allow for a minimal amount of user assistance. Links are provided above to a variety of references that can be used to learn more about the Domain / Hostname / IP address mechanism supported by the Internet Domain Name System. If desired, BEV will provide additional DNS consulting to individuals, organizations, or businesses billed on an hourly basis.
BEV Domain Name Service Policies:
Domains created in various root domains (eg.,,, and carried by the BEV name servers are subject to an annual BEV registration fee of $31.15. The BEV domain name service fee will be billed for one year in advance at the time the domain is first registered for primary or secondary service on the BEV servers, and annually thereafter so long as name service continues for that domain. In the event name service is cancelled before a billing year has ended no portion of the current year's fee will be refunded.
BEV customers will not incur additional BEV domain name service charges for domains required by BEV-supplied full-service websites and bulk email.
The BEV domain name service fee applies in addition to any fees charged by the root domain registration service. Customers are responsible for filling out any applicable root domain application forms and sending them to the appropriate root domain registrar.
BEV is the authority for certain ".us" domains (,,,, etc.) BEV will support an individual hostname in one of these zones for $31.15/year. Multiple hostnames can be allocated under a single sub-domain (e.g. "" and "") for $31.15/year. A sub-domain such as "" can also be delegated to your own nameservers for $31.15/year. It is not necessary to contact a root domain authority to register sub-domains within zones that have already been delegated to BEV.
Virginia Tech, not BEV, is the authority for domains in the "VT.EDU" zone. Please contact HOSTMASTER@VT.EDU, not BEV, to obtain a domain allocated in this zone, which is exclusively used for Virginia Tech departments.
Any conflicts regarding rights to use a specific domain name must be resolved by the customer. BEV will not be a party to disputes regarding ownership of domain names, domain names that infringe on trademarks, etc. BEV may require an applicant to provide written proof that they are authorized to use a given domain name. BEV may refuse or discontinue name service for any domain at any time.
Operators of domains carried by BEV name servers must conform to standards of network conduct as described in the Acceptable Use Policy. Furthermore, domain operators must require the users of their service to conform to those same standards. In particular, unsolicited e-mail advertising a BEV-carried domain will not be tolerated, whether the e-mail originates from a BEV-carried domain or not. BEV may at any time determine that a domain is engaging in unacceptable use, and BEV may at any time discontinue name service for such domains at BEV's sole discretion.
BEV may change its fee requirements, policies, or procedures at any time.
BEV Domain Name Service Procedures:
Please follow the below procedure when registering a domain name with BEV:
The Blacksburg Electronic Village is an outreach initiative of Network Infrastructure & Services, part of Information Technology at Virginia Tech. For comments regarding this Web site, please send a message to BEV Comments. Privacy Policy