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Do you have an old BEV Villager account for a village mall or organization listing?

Now, we need to know whether you had an account on the old site, or if you need to create a brand new one.  If you had an account on the old site, and you remember either your username or the email address you used to register, you're in luck!  Otherwise, you can fill out a form and have a BEV Staff member help you out!

Note that if you had an account, and created a Village Mall or Organizational Directory entry, those entries are still associated with your account. Remember, you only need a myBEV account to edit or update your local Village Mall or Organizations entry.

I remember my Villager username or account email address!

I had an account, but can't remember my email address or username!

I have never had a Villager account, I would like to create an account!